Morley - Peak District Walk

Thursday 22nd August 2013

I wanted another easy walk to test my ankle but I didn't fancy queuing all the way through Matlock again so I headed for a local walk that was in the opposite direction to the Peak District.

Start: Morley Lane (SK 3810 4174)

Route: Morley Lane - Centenary Way - Horsley Carr - Morleymoor - Morley Lane

Distance: 2.75 miles     Ascent: 55 metres      Time Taken: 1 hour 15 mins

Terrain: Fields and woodland paths.

Weather: Warm and sunny.

Pub Visited: None    Ale Drunk: None

Route Map >>


Something tells me this is going to be a little different to my normal walks.

Breadsall Moor

I assume that before the golf course was extended across the road this looked a little more like a moor than it currently does.

Drum Hill

I am actually heading down Drum Hill at the moment!

Centenary Way

I leave the Centenary Way to head through Horsley Carr.

Morleymoor Farm

Yes it's a field, but its a very significant field, because it's where I got the phone call to say my daughter had passed her math's GCSE on her fourth attempt. So it definitely deserves a place on my website.


I didn't know we had places this flat in Derbyshire.

Morleymoor Almshouses

The old Almshouses in Morleymoor.


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